Monday, May 1, 2017


April was a busy month! We celebrated Don's birthday, we celebrated Easter, and we had lots of fun in between. :)

We rode horses at our friend's neighbor's house, as part of our animal unit for Nolan's preschool. Bennett really did have more fun that is shown by his facial expression...

Also, part of the animal unit, we got to pet a chicken!

We sent off balloons with messages written on it for Don's birthday. We miss him so much. 

This boy is SUCH a ham, especially for someone that doesn't say much!

We saw "The Little Mermaid" play put on by GEA.

Easter!!! Oh those boys looked so handsome.

This was taken after church. I wanted to show how after 3 hours, bow ties are off, shirts untucked, hair messed, and moods diminished. We caught Bennett in the act of hitting his brother! Haha.

Melody picked us up around the corner from my parent's house, and she drove us home and Bennett got to "help" drive.

We went to the fair! Nolan had a blast. And Bennett, well, he didn't get to do much.

This boy loooooves the pool. He jumps in and just swims like crazy.

Bennett prefers the splash pad.

Bennett is getting really into climbing. 

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