Thursday, May 26, 2016

28 years old, Indiana trip and Bennett is 11 months old!

Well, the first order of business is I am 28 years old now! I had a good birthday. I spent time with friends at the park, and we had cupcakes with Funfetti frosting (my favorite), and a friend brought me balloons even though Nolan promptly let go of them...My parents took me and the boys to dinner at Chilis and we had a great time. I came home to Josh buying me a funfetti Ice cream cake from coldstone! I then opened my presents with my family. I got new shoes, a speaker for the car, organizing baskets, and tickets to Gaslight Theatre! My mom got me a label maker and is going to help me organize my pantry! The things I am excited about now, wow... Well, happy 28th to me! I am glad no matter how old I get, Josh will always be older.

Secondly, we went to Indiana to attend baby Auggie's baby blessing! We stayed at my grandparents house in Bloomington. It was soooo much fun. Nolan and Lydia were frenemies. They are only 4 months apart, so they would chase each other and giggle for hours, and then fight over the same toy the next second. Emily, is 8, and she was my buddy. We played a lot of Yahtzee and she taught me "Greed". Nathalie was a busy, curious, bundle of energy! Charlotte was sweet and miss Drama :). Lydia was the cutest threenager you've ever seen. And baby Auggie, oh that sweet boy. He was happy, and tolerated being bugged by all of his sisters and Nolan. I got to see my Grandpa Pete, and my cousins, Marilla, Steven, Andrew, and David. It was fun to spend time with my grandparents too!

I think my favorite part of the whole trip was seeing my kids play with their cousins, at the same special place that I played with mine. Oh the feels.

The boys did pretty well on the airplane! Nolan was loud, of course. He liked to sing. Haha! On the last flight, he got up to the bathroom like a million times. He had a hard time waiting in line for security, to get on the airplane, to get off the airplane, etc. Basically, he screamed, "I don't want to wait!" countless times. One couple told us that our kids did great. That was nice to hear. They were definitely wiggly! Bennett mostly slept. Or tried to sleep! And snacks. :)

Bennett is 11 months old! He has just started learning to take steps while holding onto our hands. For baby that hasn't been mobile pretty much at all up to this point, this is pretty exciting to us! Today at the park, he *almost* cruised. Look out world, the Bennett tornado is coming! :) We were lucky to have the sit and stand stage for so long but we are ready for him to learn to walk and to explore the world! He still needs lots of help but we know he will get there!

He can say "Mama", laughs at his brother, is starting to have a really fun personality, has the sweetest giggle, loves pudding, chips and pretty much anything sweet. He has almost all of his teeth. He just had his first haircut, thanks to Michelle's help! He sleeps well. He is cuddly. We just love him so much!

Here are some other pictures of life recently: 

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