To my Nolan:
I love everything about you. You made me a mother. You gave us a scare at first. The doctors said you wouldn't walk, or develop normally. That you would be handicapped. That you would have Dandy Walker's Syndrome. But then you were born and proved them wrong! You spent 2 weeks in the NICU and I thought I was going to die because I didn't get to be with you every second. You had handsome hair. We finally got to bring you home and you slept fairly well, and you brought us so much joy. You started to learn how to roll and you haven't stopped moving since! You are full of energy, and zest for life. I love your laughs, your giggles, the way you run around the house in your Thomas the Engine underwear. I love your obsessions--toy story, shapes, dinosaurs ,Thomas trains. I love that you are a little mischievous. You pretend like you don't know who put sidewalk chalk on the chairs outside. You tell me you love me and that I'm your best friend. I love cuddling and reading books with you. I love you more than you'll ever know.
To my Bennett:
I'll admit, at first, I was a little bummed, you were not a little girl! But you were born with this beautiful, thin hair that I could put clips in, if I wanted :). So close enough, I guess! You also gave us a scare. You were born with a small right lung. You were in the NICU for 2 months and it was so awful. I had a hard time bonding with you at first. You had oxygen and a g tube and so many machines and worries. We took you to the ER several times and even stayed overnight in the hospital. You were fussy, you were fragile. But around 6 months, you cheered up. You learned how to sit, on time! Even though you essentially skipped rolling over. You started playing. Nolan started realizing it was fun to bug you :). And my love for you started to grow. You are 10 months old now and you are an absolute joy. I love your screeches. I love the way you twirl your hands around all the time. I love that you sign a few things to me. I love that you hold your own bottle. I love that you like to watch Nolan. I love that you reach for me now. You have the cutest 8 little teeth. You have long, wispy, dark brown hair. You are a beauty and a miracle. I love you so much.
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