Monday, February 11, 2019

Bennett's Broken Femur and 2nd hospital visit in January!

Well, I guess this was sort inevitable with three boys....but 4 weeks ago today, Bennett and Nolan were playing with the couch pillows in the living room. They did that a lot! They usually made forts. This time, unknown to me, they stacked the pillows on the ledge between bookshelves, and were jumping from that stack, over the couch onto the floor. Nolan made it...Bennett did not. He landed on the couch (now with no cushions), getting his arm stuck and twisting his leg. At first, we thought it was his arm that was hurt. But after 30 minutes, Josh noticed Bennett's leg was swollen! We took him in and sure enough, he had a broken femur. He had to stay overnight at the hospital.

I kept replaying that day in my head wishing I could have done it over and been watching better, or gone to the park or something, and this wouldn't have happened. I also had potty trained Bennett, only two weeks before. With this cast, he had to go back in diapers. I was so disappointed by that. It felt like such a setback! I didn't know how we were going to do school, church, get around, etc!

The amazing thing I've noticed is when hard things happen, you figure it out. And it's not as bad as you think. He has been able to go to school, sitting in an umbrella stroller and pushed up to the table. We've still taken him to concerts, movies, etc. Our life has not ended. We definitely have watched more movies but we've also played games, done letter practice, lots of playdough, etc. He should get it off next week and we are very excited for that!

Funny story about this picture: Nolan played the teacher, and made Bennett be the student. Haha. He told him he had to learn handwriting!
 Bennett's first picture of a person!

Two weeks after this happened, he got really sick and went into respiratory distress! He had two viruses.He had to be admitted to the hospital overnight again! :(

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